Having mentioned in my ‘May Country Life’ entry of a single Swallow sighting and bemoaning the lack of them here, guess what turns up a week later…..Yup, you’ve guessed it, a Barn Swallow. He’s sitting on the power line going to the house and I bagged this shot mid morning.
Throughout the day we noticed he would fly around and feed for 20 minutes or so, then perch back up on the line and sing his (her) little heart out for 10 mins, before admiring the countryside and flying off, for another feed. He was there for most of the day.
We haven’t seen him, or any others since 🙁
Really great to watch and with Sand’s new Pentax K30 digital jobby, fitted with and old 70-300mm zoom, is just right for this kind of shot. Buried on the card are some Chaffinches feeding on the bird table, so I think think some more bird images with this combo are likely in the future.