The Sun
Session Data
- Date: 27/9/2024
- Time: 11:19 – 12:59 UT
- Seeing: I. Excellent
- Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze.
- Temp: 12 C,
- Air Pressure: 1025mb
- Humidity: 78%
- Dew Point: 8C
- Wind Speed: 3mph
Scope: TMB 80 f/6 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken.
Currently testing ASCOM Alpaca allowing me to control the mount using a Astroplanner that is installed on my main machine in the office, rather than on the PC at the scope. The main advantage of wanting to do this is it allows be to just have to maintain the one version of all the planetaria and logging software that I use. This saves all the faffing of syncing settings between computers, but ultimately it removes any overhead on the remote PC. I’m not sure I would want to run Sharpcap or NINA this way as I’m not sure of the load it would put on my internal network, but so far it looks like everything else I use when imaging or EAA observing can come off.
As for this observation. Using Sharpcap’s Live Stack again for these images. Setting the Frame Filtering to the best 30% as there is a little thin cloud around. I let it stack up to the best 500 frames and the only in capture processing done to it was a mild level One wavelet and some noise reduction. Live Stack is an incredible tool. Not having to faff around with SER files, Autostakkert, Pixinsight and Affinity Photo is marvellous. You just press the button and let it do it’s stuff. You can then reset the stack every now again to rebuild a new stack and repeat that as many time in the session as you want.