Well I think I’m starting to make progress. I’ve been trying to get a converter that will turn the .MOV files outputted from the Nikon 5100, into an AVI format that can be read by Registax. Despite lots of forum reading and various questions asked, every software converter I’ve tried has failed. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the fact I’m using an iMac with Registax running in a Parallels container, but diddly squat worked.
Anyway, this morning I came across a piece of mac software called Lynkeos which despite not having all the bells and whistles of Registax, seems to do a pretty good job AND it reads the .MOV directly. I need to wait till the weekend before I can get my hands on some one minute files I did and see how that manages on a much larger dataset.
I also noticed that Registax will read individual TIF, PNG and JPG files and playing around with iMovie, saw that this will output a movie steam into individual files in any of these formats. BINGO. Problem solved. A test with my 10 second MOV file produced 168 tif files at 1.2mb each. Registax loaded these without problems and did its stuff as with any AVI file.
I’m chuffed to bits the problem has been solved and get now get stuck into some DSLR imaging of the Sun and Moon. No doubt there is a downside to using MOV files rather that the raw video feed made by the camera, but it’s a start. Happy Bunny!!