Category: Astronomy

Observing/Imaging Session 4, June

It looks like completion of the new observatory happened at just the right time. While I’m writing this in July – and the weather at the moment has been awful by the way – first light took place in early June, where like the Spring of 2020, we had a run of about six weeks of clear sky nights. This run was so consistent that you didn’t really need to look at a weather…

Imaging Session: Pelican Nebula IC5070

Session Data Date:  23/06/2020   Time:  23:01 – 23:44 UT Seeing: II Mostly Stable,  Transparency: Clear,  Temp: 13.9C, Air Pressure: 1021mb,  Humidity: 92%,  Dew Point: 12.4C,  Wind Speed: 2mph Scope: TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/4.8  Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro,  Filter: Ha 35nm, Processing: Dark subtracted and Flat fielded in Pixinsight. NGC7000 ( North American nebula) and IC7070 ( Pelican nebula) – both of which are named for blindingly obvious reasons are both…

Imaging Session: 14, May

Session Data Date:  14/5/2020 Time:  20:37 – 02:05 UT Seeing: Unknown Transparency: Unknown Temp: 7 C, Air Pressure: 1023mb Humidity: 82% Dew Point: 4C Wind Speed: 10mph Average Seeing:  Average SQM: Scope: TMB 80 f/4.8  Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro, No Filter. Darks and Flats applied. Image rotation 268 degrees A two for the price of one observation in that we get NGC4214 in the FOV as well. This is one of those forgotten…

Imaging Session: 31, March

Session Data Date:  31/03/2020   Time:  21:50 – 22:45 UT Seeing: II Mostly Stable,  Transparency: Mostly Clear,  Temp:3.1C, Air Pressure: 1028mb,  Humidity: 75%,  Dew Point: 0C,  Wind Speed: 8mph Scope: TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/4.8  Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro,  No filter, Dark subtracted, No Flats. NGC 5457 – M101 I shot a total of 60 x 30 second subs, but by the time the time the rejects had been removed I had…

Imaging Session: 23, March

Session Data Date:  23/03/2020   Time:  20:53 – 23:22 UT Seeing: II Mostly Stable,  Transparency: Mostly Clear,  Temp:5.5C, Air Pressure: 1023mb,  Humidity: 85%, Dew Point: 3.5C,  Wind Speed: 8.5mph Scope: TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro,  No filter, Dark subtracted, No Flats. NGC 3031-M81 A total of 73 x 60sec light frames which have been dark subtracted. I wasn’t really worried how this turned out as this session was more…

First Light

Fist Light with the new ZWO 1600mm pro camera….