Sun 20, January 2025
Scope: | Altair Astro 254mm F/8 Ritchey-Chrétien |
Camera: | ZWO ASI 183MM Pro |
Mount: | iOptron CEM120 EC |
Filters: | SBIG Green Filter |
Exposure: | 100 frames of the best 10% o a live planetary stack in Sharpcap |
Processing: | |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 20-01-2025 |
Sunspot 3664
Scope: | Altair Astro 254mm F/8 Ritchey-Chrétien |
Camera: | ZWO ASI 183MM Pro |
Mount: | iOptron CEM120 EC |
Filters: | SBIG Green Filter |
Exposure: | Pro100 frames of the best 10% o a live planetary stack in Sharpcap |
Processing: | The stacked image was processed in Pixinsight using BXT and 5 levels of MLT. |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 11-05-2025 |
Sunspot 1520
Scope: | Altair Astro 254mm F/8 Ritchey-Chrétien |
Camera: | Imaging Source DMK 21AU04 Webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | White light solar filter |
Exposure: | 2000 frame AVI file |
Processing: | his comprised of a 2000 frame AVI run through Registax 6, with pretty much default settings. Then loaded into PS for some curve work and sharpening. |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 08-08-2012 |
Sunspot 1193
Scope: | TMB 80 f/6 plus Televue x4 Powermate |
Camera: | Imaging Source DMK 21AU04 Webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | White light solar filter |
Exposure: | 4 x 2000 frame avi |
Processing: | Each of the four x 2000 frame avi files were individually processed in Registax 6 and then stacked and aligned in Photoshop CS5 using the multiply blend. A mid range curve boost was also applied, but no sharpening. |
Other Comments | Sunspot #1193 taken at 16:31 GMT 21, April 2011 |
Date Taken: | 21-04-2011 |
Scope: | TMB 80 f/6 |
Camera: | SBIG 2000 XM |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | Lumicron H-Alpha and finally through SBIG CFW8’s Red filter. |
Exposure: | 10 seconds @ -5c |
Processing: | Photoshop 6 curves, Gaussian blur and unsharp mask, sun spot and Plage enhancement. The grayscale image was then converted to an RGB one, and given a pleasing artificial colour. |
Other Comments | This was just an experiment with various filtration systems in the run up to the Venus Transit of June 2004. |
Date Taken: | 30-05-2004 |
Venus Transit of the Sun
Scope: | TMB 80 f/6 |
Camera: | SBIG 2000 XM |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | Lumicron H-Alpha and finally through SBIG CFW8’s Green filter. |
Exposure: | 1/250 sec & -3 º C |
Processing: | Photshop 6 Curve adjustment, Gaussian blur, unsharp mask . The grayscale image was then converted to an RGB one, and given a pleasing artificial colour |
Other Comments | All this filtration to keep the exposure within the camera’s fastest setting has affected image sharpness. |
Date Taken: | 04-06-2004 |